• Thread states in Java

    Thread state

    A thread can exist in a number of different states. The various states of a thread are shown in the picture below:

    All the states of the thread are briefly discussed below:

    i. Blocked:

    A thread is said to be blocked that has suspended execution because it is waiting to acquire a lock.

    ii. New:

    A thread that hasn’t begun execution.

    iii. Runnable:

    A thread that either is currently executing or will execute when it gains access to CPU.

    iv. Terminated:

    A thread that has completed execution.

    v. Timed-waiting:

    A thread that has suspended execution for a specified period of time such as it has called sleep. This state is also entered when a timed version of wait or join is called.

    vi. Waiting:

    A thread that has suspended execution because it is waiting for some action to occur. For example, it is waiting because of a call to a non-timed out version of wait or join.

    We can obtain the current state of the thread by calling the getstate() method defined by thread.

    Thread.State getstate()

    It returns a value of type thread state that indicate the state of the thread at the time at which the call is made.
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