• Features of Java

    Features of Java

    There are various features which played an important role in modeling the final form of the language.
    These features are:


    Java was designed to be easy for the programmer to learn and use effectively.
    Object oriented: Although influenced by its predecessor’s java was not designed to be source code compatible with any other language. One outcome of this was a clean and usable approach to objects. The object model in java is simple and easy to extend while primitive types such as integers are kept high performance non object.


    The ability to create robust program was given a high priority in the design of java. There are two main reasons for program failure – Memory management mistakes and mishandled exceptional condition. Memory management mistakes can result in traditional programming environment because of allocating and freeing all dynamic memory. Java solves this problem by managing memory allocation and deallocation by itself. Java provides object oriented exception handling which is much easier than clumsy and hard to read constructs for exception handling provided by traditional programming language. That’s why java is robust.


    Java supports multi-Threaded programming which allows to programmers to write programs that do many things simultaneously. Java run time system which is sophisticated solution for multiprocess synchronization.

    Architecture Neutral:

     The goal of java is write once, run anywhere, anytime, forever. To achieve this goal java had to deal with 2 main issues – 1. Code longevity,2. Portability. Java solved both the problems.

    Interpreted & High Performance:

     Java enables the creation of cross platform programs by compiling into an intermediate representation called java byte code which can be executed by JVM. This byte code was carefully designed to be highly optimized. So that it would be easy to interpret into native machine code for very high performance.


    Java is designed for distributed environment of the internet. Because it handles TCP/IP protocols. Java can also access resource using URL and also supports remote method invocation (RMI). This feature enables the program to invoke methods across a network.


    Java programs carry with them substantial amount of run time type information that is used to verify and resolve objects at run time. This enables small fragments of byte code to be dynamically updated on a running system.
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